Farewell and Well Done to Queen Elizabeth II

We are on a long trip to the Great Lakes region, and it has been gratifying to see the scale of the recognition of the Queen’s passing here in America. Flags are at half staff in town after town as we drive through. And not just municipal buildings, either. The majority of businesses and private residences with flags are honoring her as well.

Thank you for your dignity and leadership. You were a towering presence in our time. Your namesake would be proud.

4 thoughts on “Farewell and Well Done to Queen Elizabeth II”

  1. Hi Greg Momentous events around the world…. Ukraine regain territory and our news focuses on London and Scotland as HM The Queen’s cortege leaves Balmoral.

    Here there is to be a ceremony in the Royal Square at Midday – live-streamed – for the Proclamation of King Charles III – followed by 21-gun salute. This is done in period uniform by the 1781 Jersey Militia (re-enactors) who also fired a 96-gun salute for the Queen…

    Trust all is well with you – Sue

    Sue ________________________________


  2. Great stuff Greg and thank you for your support.

    The last 70 years have been a constant reminder of The Queen and other members of her family.

    I was a boy at the school in Windsor that supplied the choir to St Georges Chapel in the castle at the time the King died . I was then nearing my 13th birthday.

    The school awake to see the Royal Standard flying at half mast above the round Tower together with the sounding of the great Sevastopol bell that hangs in the tower.

    One ring for each year of the King’s life, 56 in all. From then on the choir went into overdrive to prepare for the funeral and the rest of the school, total 72, went into lockdown.

    I was not a chorister but was the junior cross bearer when the King died. The following year I was the senior so lead the procession at Queen Mary’s funeral. You don’t forget experiences like that.

    Over the years there have been several more contact that I equally cherish.

    On a different tack, I feel I am THAT close to joining the Lane family together. The past many months I have not been working on it, but must do some more this winter.

    Essentially Lanes from Buckinghamshire married into the Hyde family in Cheshire and started off the Bentley & Hyde group. Some of those started to move to Northamptonshire and establish a big grouping there.

    At the same time there was interchange between all 3 groups as somewhere along the line there has to be some similar DNA.

    Keep well



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